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InsiderInsights.com -
The Next Generation of Insider Trading Analytics

It's a Great product!
-LW, Individual Investor, Quebec

Don't settle for commodity insider databases with last decade's simplistic scoring methodology. Insiderinsights combines mathematical returns with behavioral finance to finally fulfill the promise of all those hard-to-apply academic studies.

Best-of-Breed Insider Ticker Searches and Analytics Include:
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- Wealth Prospecting Tools;
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Our Products:
You can pay (much) more for insider trading data, but you can't get a better information feed, or tools to mine insider buying and selling activity for investment ideas. Whether you're a large financial institution, hedge fund, or a serious individual investor, we can satisfy your insider needs--at a much more reasonable price than you're paying now.

Daily Insider Ratings Reports and 4x a Day Top Trades Alerts ($249 per Year)
- Hands down, the BEST VALUE in actionable insider intelligence around! 

Pro Level Subscription ($49.50 per Month / $495 per Year)
Combines All Features of our "Daily Ratings Reports" subscription, Plus:

- Weekly Tables;
- Monthly Special Screens;
- Portfolio Alerts for up to 50 Tickers or Filer Names;
- Real-Time Insider Histories going back to 2004, displaying our Proprietary Ratings with no pagination or ads, and allowing for Excel downloads of data on a daily basis.
- Coming Soon! Intra-Day Power Alerts.

Professional Data Module
 ($99.50 per Month / $995 per Year) 
Combines All Features of our "Pro Level" subscription, Plus:

- Powerful Insider Screening tool, with backtesting capabilities;
- Portfolio Alerts for up to 500 Tickers or Filer Names, and;
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Join the numerous big-name investment professionals that have switched to our better data, analytics, research tools--and price! Group seat rates and direct API Feeds are also available. Call (212) 784-6860 to discuss terms. 

And for all you more casual users of insider information, check out the best Free Stuff on the web! We have Free Real-Time Insider Histories that include our best-of-breed Insider Statistics, as well as Top 20 lists of recent high dollar value trades.

We round off our Free offerings with sponsored Free Top Trades Alerts, Free Portfolio Alerts, and a Free sample of our Monthly Special Screens.

Not familiar with Form 4 data? Read on!
Why investors should use insider data in their investing process.
Who is an insider?
What is a Form 4?
What is a Form 144.
What is a Form 3.
What is a Schedule 13D.

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