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InsiderInsights Portfolio Alerts

InsiderInsights' Portfolio Alerts keep you up to date with the insider transactons of companies you own or are researching. You can also receive alerts by filer name, to better track your favorite insider's moves.

Subscribers to our Data Module module can follow as many as 500 tickers and/or filer names in various portfolios.

Subscribers to our Pro Level can follow as many as 50 tickers and/or filer names.

We also have Free Porfolio Email Alerts that allow a 2-Week trial period to follow up to 50 tickers and/or filer names for free--and without entering a credit card number.


Copy and Paste Your Tickers.
Investors typically have a list of tickers they want to follow in spreadsheets, word processing programs, and the like. Don't waste time typing in tickers to your portfolio one by one. Just copy and paste them into the "Add Tickers And Filers" window. Copying and pasting tickers from a column in Excel works particularly well.

Text Alerts Best For Smartphone Users .
If you're directing your alerts to the email on your smartphone, go to the "Portfolio Settings" section of the portfolio, and set the "Alert Format" to "Text".

Built-In Screening.
If you only want to see the more significant transaction for the Tickers and/or Filer Names in your portfolio, make use of the basic screening criteria we've linked to our Portfolio Alerts. Limit the transactions you are alerted about by Transaction Value, Number of Shares Traded, Transaction Type and/or the Title of the insider trading. This limiting criteria can be placed on your whole portfolio, or just specific Tickers and Filer Names in it.

Alerts By "Filer Names".
If you want to follow specific insiders, you need to enter the specific syntax of their filer name. Trouble is, some insiders can have more than one specific filer name sytax. Some insiders alternate using a middle initial or not. Others use entities that merely include their name in it. To make sure you cover your bases, type in an insider's partial name (usually their last name) in the "Ticker & Filer Name Lookup" section of our Portfolio Alerts to see and select all the matches. For instance, typing in "soros" returns several entities that are obviously related to investing titan. Just click the names in the search output, and they are entered automatically in the "Filer Names" section of your portfolio.

Portfolio Filters.
To avoid uneccessary portfolio alerts from cluttering your email box, we suggests clients make use of the verious filters we have programmed, to ignore non open-market transactions (specifically Transaction Types JB & JS), and trades of small dollar values and/or share amounts. When in a portfolio, the filter tools are to the right of Tickers and/or Filer Names you have entered. To apply the filters:
- select one or more Tickers/Filer Names in the portfolio;
- select the filter metrics desired;
- make sure the filter toggle is set to "Alert Me If All Criteria Match";
- save settings by clicking the "Update Selected" button on the bottom right.

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